Showing entries 461 - 480 out of 535
Komech, A, Kopylova, E & Mauser, N 2004, 'On convergence to equilibrium distribution for wave equation in even dimensions', Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 547-576. <>
Dudnikova, TV, Komech, A & Mauser, N 2004, 'On two-temperature problem for harmonic crystals', Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 114, no. 3-4, pp. 1035-1083. <>
Imaikin, V, Komech, A & Mauser, N 2004, 'Soliton-type asymptotics for the coupled Maxwell-Lorentz equations', Annales Henri Poincare, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 1117-1135. <>
Hsiao, L, Mauser, N & Mang, K-J 2004, 'The Relaxation Limits to the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors', Applied Mathematics Letters, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 95-100.
Scholz, W, Fidler, J, Schrefl, T, Suess, D, Dittrich, R, Forster, H & Tsiantos, V 2003, 'Scalable parallel micromagnetic solvers for magnetic nanostructures', Computational Materials Science, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 366-383.
Scholz, W, Guslienko, KY, Novosad, V, Suess, D, Schrefl, T, Chantrell, RW & Fidler, J 2003, 'Transition from single-domain to vortex state in soft magnetic cylindrical nanodots', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 266, no. 1-2, pp. 155-163.
Tsiantos, V, Schrefl, T, Scholz, W, Forster, H, Suess, D, Dittrich, R & Fidler, J 2003, 'Thermal fluctuations in magnetic sensor elements', Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, vol. 106, no. 1-3, pp. 134-136.
Kirschner, M, Suess, D, Schrefl, T, Fidler, J & Chapman, JN 2003, 'Micromagnetic Calculation of Bias Field and Coercivity of Polycrystalline Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Layers', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 39, no. 5 II, pp. 2735-2737.
Scholz, W, Schrefl, T, Fidler, J, Matthias, T, Suess, D & Tsiantos, V 2003, 'Micromagnetic simulation of the pinning and depinning process in permanent magnets', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 2920-2922.
Tsiantos, V, Schrefl, T, Scholz, W, Forster, H, Suess, D, Dittrich, R & Fidler, J 2003, 'Thermally Activated Magnetization Rotation in Small Nanoparticles', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 39, no. 5 II, pp. 2507-2509.
Schrefl, T, Hrkac, G, Suess, D, Scholz, W & Fidler, J 2003, 'Coercivity and remanence in self-assembled FePt nanoparticle arrays', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, no. 10, pp. 7041-7043.
Suess, D, Kirschner, M, Schrefl, T, Scholz, W, Dittrich, R, Forster, H & Fidler, J 2003, 'Micromagnetic calculations of bias field and coercivity of compensated ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic bilayers', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, no. 10 3, pp. 8618-8620.
Schrefl, T, Forster, H, Dittrich, R, Suess, D, Scholz, W & Fidler, J 2003, 'Reversible magnetization processes and energy density product in Sm-CoFe and Sm-Co/Co bilayers', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, no. 10 2, pp. 6489-6491.
Dittrich, R, Schrefl, T, Suess, D, Scholz, W, Forster, H & Fidler, J 2003, 'Thermally induced magnetization reversal in antiferromagnetically coupled media', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, no. 10 2, pp. 7405-7407.
Suess, D, Kirschner, M, Schrefl, T, Fidler, J, Stamps, RL & Kim, JV 2003, 'Exchange bias of polycrystalline antiferromagnets with perfectly compensated interfaces', Physical Review B, vol. 67, no. 5.
Dittrich, R, Schrefl, T, Forster, H, Suess, D, Scholz, W & Fidler, J 2003, Energy barriers in magnetic random access memory elements. in 2003 IEEE International Magnetics Conference., 7884084, IEEE, INTERMAG, 2003 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Intermag 2003, Boston, United States, 30/03/03.
Kirschner, M, Suess, D, Schrefl, T & Fidler, J 2003, Exchange bias and training effect in polycrystalline antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic bilayers. in S Zhang, W Kuch, G Guntherodt, C Broholm, AD Kent, MR Fitzimmons, IK Schuller, JB Kortright, T Shinjo & Y Zhu (eds), MAGNETOELECTRONICS AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS-NOVEL PHENOMENA AND ADVANCED CHARACTERIZATION. MATERIALS RESEARCH SOC, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol. 746, pp. 25-30, Symposium on Magnetoelectronics and Magnetic Materials-Novel Phenomena and Advanced Characterization, BOSTON, Morocco, 1/12/02.
Schrefl, T, Fidler, J, Dittrich, R, Suess, D, Scholz, W, Tsiantos, V & Forster, H 2003, Fast switching of mesoscopic magnets. in B Hillebrands & K Ounadjela (eds), Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures II. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Topics in Applied Physics, vol. 87, pp. 1-27.
Mauser, N, Qiu, Y & Zhang, KJ 2003, 'Global Existence and Asymptotic Limits of Weak Solutions of the Bipolar Hydrodynamic Model for Semiconductors', Monatshefte für Mathematik, vol. 140, no. 4, pp. 285-313. <>
Bokanowski, O, Grebert, B & Mauser, N 2003, 'Local density approximations for the energy of a periodic Coulomb model', Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 1185-1217. <>
Showing entries 461 - 480 out of 535