Showing entries 401 - 420 out of 535
Suess, D 2007, 'Micromagnetics of exchange spring media: Optimization and limits', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 308, no. 2, pp. 183-197.
Mauser, N & Selberg, S 2007, 'Convergence of the Dirac-Maxwell system to the Vlasov-Poisson system', Communications in Partial Differential Equations, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 503-524.
Berthelin, F, Mauser, N & Poupaud, F 2007, 'High-field limit from a kinetic equation to multidimensional scalar conservation laws', Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 123-145. <>
Rahman, MT, Shams, NN, Wu, YC, Lai, CH & Suess, D 2007, 'Magnetic multilayers on porous anodized alumina for percolated perpendicular media', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91, no. 13, 132505.
Besse, N, Mauser, N & Sonnendrücker, E 2007, 'Numerical approximation of self-consistent Vlasov models for low-frequency electromagnetic phenomena', International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 361-374.
Mauser, N & Gottlieb, AD 2007, 'Properties of nonfreeness : an entropy measure of correlation for electrons', International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI), vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 10-33.
Bourgade, JP, Degond, P, Mauser, N & Ringhofer, C 2007, 'Quantum corrections to semiclassical transport in nanoscale devices using entropy principles', Journal of Computational Electronics, vol. 6, no. 1-3, pp. 117-120. <>
Goncharov, A, Schrefl, T, Hrkac, G, Dean, J, Bance, S, Suess, D, Ertl, O, Dorfbauer, F & Fidler, J 2007, 'Recording simulations on graded media for area densities of up to 1 Tbit in.2', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 91, no. 22, 222502.
Mauser, N, Bardos, C, Ducomet, B, Golse, F & Gottlieb, AD 2007, 'The TDHF approximation for Hamiltonians with m-particle interaction potentials', Communications in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 1, pp. 1-9.
Jehyun, L, Suess, D, Schrefl, T, Kyu, HO & Fidler, J 2006, 'Contribution of local incoherency on Gilbert-damping', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 3210-3212.
Suess, D, Porath, K & Fidler, J 2006, 'Lateral exchange spring media', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 2357-2359.
Bance, S, Schrefl, T, Hrkac, G, Allwood, DA, Suess, D, Brownlie, C, McVitie, S & Chapman, JN 2006, 'Transitions Between Vortex and Transverse Walls in NiFe Nano-Structures', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 42, no. 10, pp. 2966-2968.
Fidler, J, Schrefl, T, Suess, D, Ertl, O, Kirschner, M & Hrkac, G 2006, 'Full micromagnetics of recording on patterned media', Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 372, no. 1-2, pp. 312-315.
Kirschner, M, Schrefl, T, Hrkac, G, Dorfbauer, F, Suess, D & Fidler, J 2006, 'Relaxation times and cell size in nonzero-temperature micromagnetics', Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 372, no. 1-2, pp. 277-281.
Suess, D, Fidler, J & Schrefl, T 2006, 'chapter 2 Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetic Materials', Handbook of Magnetic Materials, vol. 16, pp. 41-125.
Dittrich, R, Schrefl, T, Fidler, J, Suess, D, Scholz, W, Forster, H & Schrefl, T 2006, Computational aspects of micromagnetics. in The Science of Hysteresis. vol. 2, Elsevier, pp. 383-433.
Lee, J, Suess, D, Schrefl, T, Oh, K & Fidler, J 2006, Contribution of non-uniform magnetic states on Gilbert-damping in perpendicular media complet. in 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference., 9724196, IEEE, INTERMAG, pp. 326, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, San Diego, CA, United States, 8/05/06.
Hrkac, G, Kirschner, M, Dorfbauer, F, Suess, D, Ertl, O, Fidler, J & Schrefl, T 2006, 'Influence of eddy currents on the effective damping parameter', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 99, no. 8, 08B902.
Lee, J, Suess, D, Schrefl, T, Oh, K & Fidler, J 2006, Magnetic recording on patterned media prepared by ion beam irradiation. in 2006 IEEE International Magnetics Conference., 9740083, IEEE, INTERMAG, pp. 488, INTERMAG 2006 - IEEE International Magnetics Conference, San Diego, CA, United States, 8/05/06.
Ulbrich, TC, Makarov, D, Hu, G, Guhr, IL, Suess, D, Schrefl, T & Albrecht, M 2006, 'Magnetization reversal in a novel gradient nanomaterial', Physical Review Letters, vol. 96, no. 7, 077202.
Showing entries 401 - 420 out of 535