Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 535
Saha, S, Flauger, P, Abert, C, Hrabec, A, Luo, Z, Zhou, J, Scagnoli, V, Suess, D & Heyderman, LJ 2020, 'Control of damping in perpendicularly magnetized thin films using spin-orbit torques', Physical Review B, vol. 101, no. 22, 224401.
Heistracher, P, Bruckner, F, Abert, C, Vogler, C & Suess, D 2020, 'Hybrid FFT algorithm for fast demagnetization field calculations on non-equidistant magnetic layers', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 503, 166592.
Novikau, IS, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'The influence of an applied magnetic field on the self-assembly of magnetic nanogels', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 307, 112902.
Dobroserdova, AB, Sánchez, PA, Shapochkin, VE, Smagin, DA, Zverev, VS, Odenbach, S & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'Measuring FORCs diagrams in computer simulations as a mean to gain microscopic insight', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 501, 166393.
Mostarac, D, Novak, EV, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'The impact of magnetic field on the conformations of supracolloidal polymer-like structures with super-paramagnetic monomers', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 305, 112761.
Exl, L, Mauser, NJ, Schrefl, T & Suess, D 2020, 'Learning time-stepping by nonlinear dimensionality reduction to predict magnetization dynamics', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 84, 105205.
Rosenberg, M, Dekker, F, Donaldson, JG, Philipse, AP & Kantorovich, S 2020, 'Self-assembly of charged colloidal cubes', Soft Matter, vol. 16, no. 18, pp. 4451-4461.
Kaiser, M, Martinez, Y, Schmidt, AM, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'Diffusion of single active-dipolar cubes in applied fields', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 304, 112688.
Huber, C, Mitteramskogler, G, Goertler, M, Teliban, I, Groenefeld, M & Suess, D 2020, 'Additive manufactured polymer-bonded isotropic NdFeB magnets by stereolithography and their comparison to fused filament fabricated and selective laser sintered magnets', Materials, vol. 13, no. 8, 1916.
Sanchez, PA, Miller, J, Kantorovich, SS & Richter, R 2020, 'Unknotting of quasi-two-dimensional ferrogranular networks by in-plane homogeneous magnetic fields', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 499, 166182.
Novikau, IS, Minina, ES, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'Suspensions of magnetic nanogels at zero field: Equilibrium structural properties', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 498, 166152.
Sonnleitner, K, Huber, C, Teliban, I, Kobe, S, Saje, B, Kagerbauer, D, Reissner, M, Lengauer, C, Groenefeld, M & Suess, D 2020, '3D printing of polymer-bonded anisotropic magnets in an external magnetic field and by a modified production process', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 116, no. 9, 092403.
Novak, EV, Zverev, VS, Pyanzina, ES, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'Magnetic properties of clusters of supracolloidal magnetic polymers with central attraction', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 497, 166025.
Mostarac, D, Vaughan, L, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'The influence of crosslinkers and magnetic particle distribution along the filament backbone on the magnetic properties of supracolloidal linear polymer-like chains', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 497, 166029.
Van Opdenbosch, D, Hukic-Markosian, G, Ott, S, Abert, C & Bartl, MH 2020, 'An Experiment-Based Numerical Treatment of Spin Wave Modes in Periodically Porous Materials', Physica Status Solidi. B: Basic Research, vol. 257, no. 3, 1900296.
Pfeiler, CM, Ruggeri, M, Stiftner, B, Exl, L, Hochsteger, M, Hrkac, G, Schöberl, J, Mauser, NJ & Praetorius, D 2020, 'Computational micromagnetics with Commics', Computer Physics Communications, vol. 248, 106965.
Huber, C, Cano, S, Teliban, I, Schuschnigg, S, Groenefeld, M & Suess, D 2020, 'Polymer-bonded anisotropic SrFe12O19 filaments for fused filament fabrication', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 127, no. 6, 063904.
Desplat, L, Vogler, C, Kim, J-V, Stamps, RL & Suess, D 2020, 'Path sampling for lifetimes of metastable magnetic skyrmions and direct comparison with Kramers' method', Physical Review B, vol. 101, no. 6, 060403.
Slanovc, F, Vogler, C, Muthsam, O & Suess, D 2020, 'Statistical analysis of read-back signals in magnetic recording on granular media', AIP Advances, vol. 10, no. 1, 015307.
Novak, EV, Pyanzina, ES, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, SS 2019, 'The structure of clusters formed by Stockmayer supracolloidal magnetic polymers', European Physical Journal E, vol. 42, no. 12, 158.
Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 535