Showing entries 281 - 300 out of 526
Gusenbauer, M, Nguyen, H, Reichel, F, Exl, L, Bance, S, Fischbacher, J, Oezelt, H, Kovacs, A, Brandl, M & Schrefl, T 2014, 'Guided self-assembly of magnetic beads for biomedical applications', Physica B: Condensed Matter, vol. 435, pp. 21-24.
Exl, L, Abert, C, Mauser, N, Schrefl, T, Stimming, H-P & Süss, D 2014, 'FFT-based Kronecker product approximation to micromagnetic long-range interactions', Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 24, no. 9, pp. 1877-1901.
Lee, J, Makarov, D, Brombacher, C, Dymerska, B, Suess, D, Albrecht, M & Fidler, J 2014, 'Scaling dependence and tailoring of the pinning field in FePt-based exchange coupled composite media', Nanotechnology, vol. 25, no. 4, 045604.
Bergmair, B, Huber, T, Bruckner, F, Vogler, C, Fuger, M & Suess, D 2014, 'Fully coupled, dynamic model of a magnetostrictive amorphous ribbon and its validation', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, no. 2, 023905.
Mauser, N & Zhang, Y 2014, 'Exact artificial boundary condition for the Poisson equation in the simulation of the 2D Schrödinger-Poisson system', Computer Physics Communications, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 764 - 780.
Exl, L, Bance, S, Reichel, F, Schrefl, T, Stimming, H-P & Mauser, N 2014, 'LaBonte’s method revisited: An effective steepest descent method for micromagnetic energy minimization: An effective steepest descent method for micromagnetic energy minimization', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, no. 17, 17D118.
Darvas, M, Jorge, M, Cordeiro, MNDS, Kantorovich, SS, Sega, M & Jedlovszky, P 2013, 'Calculation of the Intrinsic Solvation Free Energy Profile of an Ionic Penetrant Across a Liquid-Liquid Interface with Computer Simulations', The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical, vol. 117, no. 50, pp. 16148-16156.
Thielsch, J, Suess, D, Schultz, L & Gutfleisch, O 2013, 'Dependence of coercivity on length ratios in sub-micron Nd 2Fe14B particles with rectangular prism shape', Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 114, no. 22, 223909.
Novak, E, Minina, E, Pyanzina, E, Kantorovich, S & Ivanov, A 2013, 'Structure factor of model bidisperse ferrofluids with relatively weak interparticle interactions', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 139, no. 22, 224905.
Weeber, R, Klinkigt, M, Kantorovich, S & Holm, C 2013, 'Microstructure and magnetic properties of magnetic fluids consisting of shifted dipole particles under the influence of an external magnetic field', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 139, no. 21, 214901.
Abert, C, Exl, L, Bruckner, F, Drews, A & Suess, D 2013, 'magnum.fe: A micromagnetic finite-element simulation code based on FEniCS', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 345, pp. 29-35.
Vogler, C, Bruckner, F, Bergmair, B, Huber, T, Suess, D & Dellago, C 2013, 'Simulating rare switching events of magnetic nanostructures with forward flux sampling', Physical Review B, vol. 88, no. 13, 134409.
Rovigatti, L, Kantorovich, S, Ivanov, AO, Tavares, JM & Sciortino, F 2013, 'Branching points in the low-temperature dipolar hard sphere fluid', Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 139, no. 13, 134901.
Dean, J, Kohn, A, Kovács, A, Allwood, DA, Suess, D & Schrefl, T 2013, 'Influence of thermal energy on exchange-bias studied by finite-element simulations', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 103, no. 4, 042410.
Lee, J, Dymerska, B, Fidler, J, Alexandrakis, V, Speliotis, T, Niarchos, D, Pongratz, P & Suess, D 2013, 'Fabrication and high-resolution electron microscopy study of FePt L1 0/A1 graded exchange spring media', Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, vol. 210, no. 7, pp. 1305-1310.
Mauser, NJ & Held, K 2013, 'Physics behind the minimum of relative entropy measures for correlations', European Physical Journal B, vol. 86, no. 7, 328.
Suess, D & Schrefl, T 2013, 'Breaking the thermally induced write error in heat assisted recording by using low and high Tc materials', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 102, no. 16, 162405.
Minina, E & Kantorovich, S 2013, 'The influence of dimensionality on the behavior of magnetic dipolar soft spheres: calculation of the pressure', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 25, no. 15, 155102.
Neu, V, Schulze, C, Faustini, M, Lee, J, Makarov, D, Suess, D, Kim, SK, Grosso, D, Schultz, L & Albrecht, M 2013, 'Probing the energy barriers and magnetization reversal processes of nanoperforated membrane based percolated media', Nanotechnology, vol. 24, no. 14, 145702.
Kantorovich, S, Ivanov, AO, Rovigatti, L, Tavares, JM & Sciortino, F 2013, 'Nonmonotonic Magnetic Susceptibility of Dipolar Hard-Spheres at Low Temperature and Density', Physical Review Letters, vol. 110, no. 14, 148306.
Showing entries 281 - 300 out of 526