Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 535
Rosenberg, M & Kantorovich, S 2022, 'The influence of anisotropy on the microstructure and magnetic properties of dipolar nanoplatelet suspensions', Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2781-2792.
Slanovc, F, Suess, D & Ortner, M 2022, 'Designing Airgap-Stable Magnetic Linear Position Systems', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 58, no. 9, 8002905.
Wautischer, G, Abert, C, Bruckner, F, Slanovc, F & Suess, D 2022, 'Topology optimization of a heat-assisted magnetic recording write head to reduce transition curvature using a binary optimization algorithm utilizing the adjoint method', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 13986.
Kaiser, M & Kantorovich, SS 2022, 'The importance of being a cube: Active cubes in a microchannel', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 360, 119318.
Mostarac, D & Kantorovich, SS 2022, 'Rheology of a Nanopolymer Synthesized through Directional Assembly of DNA Nanochambers, for Magnetic Applications', Macromolecules, vol. 55, no. 15, pp. 6462–6473.
Deussner, S, Süss, D, Abert, C, Bruckner, F, Fähler, S, Heistracher, P, Reichel, L & Neu, V 2022, 'Rigorous single-period micromagnetic model of stripe domains: Comparison with analytics and experiment', Physical Review B, vol. 106, no. 6, 064404.
Abert, C, Koraltan, S, Bruckner, F, Slanovc, F, Besler, J, Omelchenko, P, Girt, E & Suess, D 2022, 'Origin of noncollinear magnetization coupling across RuX layers', Physical Review B, vol. 106, no. 5, 054401.
Kuznetsov, AA, Novak, E, Pyanzina, ES & Kantorovich, SS 2022, 'Structural and magnetic equilibrium properties of a semi-dilute suspension of magnetic multicore nanoparticles', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 359, 119373.
Gattringer, M, Abert, C, Bruckner, F, Chumak, A & Suess, D 2022, 'Micromagnetically integrated numerical model of spin pumping based on spin diffusion', Physical Review B, vol. 106, no. 2, 024417.
Skoric, L, Donnelly, C, Hierro-Rodriguez, A, Cascales Sandoval, MA, Ruiz-Gómez, S, Foerster, M, Niño, MA, Belkhou, R, Abert, C, Suess, D & Fernández-Pacheco, A 2022, 'Domain Wall Automotion in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Helical Interconnectors', ACS Nano, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 8860–8868.
Mostarac, D, Xiong, Y, Gang, O & Kantorovich, S 2022, 'Nanopolymers for magnetic applications: how to choose the architecture?', Nanoscale, vol. 14, no. 31, pp. 11139-11151.
Chumak, AV, Kabos, P, Wu, M, Abert, C, Adelmann, C, Adeyeye, AO, Åkerman, J, Aliev, FG, Anane, A, Awad, A, Back, CH, Barman, A, Bauer, GEW, Becherer, M, Beginin, EN, Bittencourt, VASV, Blanter, YM, Bortolotti, P, Boventer, I, Bozhko, DA, Bunyaev, SA, Carmiggelt, JJ, Cheenikundil, RR, Ciubotaru, F, Cotofana, S, Csaba, G, Dobrovolskiy, OV, Dubs, C, Elyasi, M, Fripp, KG, Fulara, H, Golovchanskiy, IA, Gonzalez-Ballestero, C, Graczyk, P, Grundler, D, Gruszecki, P, Gubbiotti, G, Guslienko, K, Haldar, A, Hamdioui, S, Hertel, R, Hillebrands, B, Hioki, T, Houshang, A, Hu, C-M, Huebl, H, Huth, M, Iacocca, E, Jungfleisch, MB, Kakazei, GN, Khitun, A, Khymyn, R, Kikkawa, T, Kläui, M, Klein, O, Kłos, JW, Knauer, S, Koraltan, S, Kostylev, M, Krawczyk, M, Krivorotov, IN, Kruglyak, VV, Lachance-Quirion, D, Ladak, S, Lebrun, R, Li, Y, Lindner, M, Macêdo, R, Mayr, S, Melkov, GA, Mieszczak, S, Nakamura, Y, Nembach, HT, Nikitin, AA, Nikitov, SA, Novosad, V, Otálora, JA, Otani, Y, Papp, A, Pigeau, B, Pirro, P, Porod, W, Porrati, F, Qin, H, Rana, B, Reimann, T, Riente, F, Romero-Isart, O, Ross, A, Sadovnikov, AV, Safin, AR, Saitoh, E, Schmidt, G, Schultheiss, H, Schultheiss, K, Serga, AA, Sharma, S, Shaw, JM, Suess, D, Surzhenko, O, Szulc, K, Taniguchi, T, Urbánek, M, Usami, K, Ustinov, AB, van der Sar, T, van Dijken, S, Vasyuchka, VI, Verba, R, Kusminskiy, SV, Wang, Q, Weides, M, Weiler, M, Wintz, S, Wolski, SP & Zhang, X 2022, 'Advances in Magnetics Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing', IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 58, no. 6, 0800172, pp. 1-72.
Trost, COW, Zak, S, Schaffer, S, Saringer, C, Exl, L & Cordill, MJ 2022, 'Bridging Fidelities to Predict Nanoindentation Tip Radii Using Interpretable Deep Learning Models', JOM, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 2195-2205.
Novak, EV, Pyanzina, ES, Gupalo, MA, Mauser, NJ & Kantorovich, SS 2022, 'Structural transitions and magnetic response of supramolecular magnetic polymerlike structures with bidisperse monomers', Physical Review E, vol. 105, no. 5, 054601.
Kovacs, A, Exl, L, Kornell, A, Fischbacher, J, Hovorka, M, Gusenbauer, M, Breth, L, Oezelt, H, Praetorius, D, Suess, D & Schrefl, T 2022, 'Magnetostatics and micromagnetics with physics informed neural networks', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 548, 168951.
Heistracher, P, Abert, C, Bruckner, F, Schrefl, T & Suess, D 2022, 'Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem: Domain wall pinning at phase boundaries', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 548, 168875.
Flauger, P, Abert, C & Suess, D 2022, 'Efficient solution strategy to couple micromagnetic simulations with ballistic transport in magnetic tunnel junctions', Physical Review B, vol. 105, no. 13, 134407.
Suess, D, Slanovc, F & Ausserlechner, U 2022, 'Comment to the paper “A new Hall-effect enabled voltage amplifier device based on magnetic and thermal properties of materials”', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 547, 168942.
Perna, S, Bruckner, F, Serpico, CS, Suess, D & d'Aquino, M 2022, 'Computational micromagnetics based on normal modes: Bridging the gap between macrospin and full spatial discretization', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 546, 168683.
Perna, S, Bruckner, F, Serpico, C, Suess, D & D'Aquino, M 2022, 'Normal modes description of nonlinear ferromagnetic resonance for magnetic nanodots', AIP Advances, vol. 12, no. 3, 035244.
Showing entries 61 - 80 out of 535