Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 535
Zverev, VS, Gupalo, MA, Mauser, NJ, Kantorovich, SS & Novak, EV 2021, 'The influence of an applied magnetic field on the clusters formed by Stockmayer supracolloidal magnetic polymers', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 521, 167445.
Leo, N, Pancaldi, M, Koraltan, S, Gonzalez, PV, Abert, C, Vogler, C, Slanovc, F, Bruckner, F, Heistracher, P, Hofhuis, K, Menniti, M, Suess, D & Vavassori, P 2021, 'Chiral switching and dynamic barrier reductions in artificial square ice', New Journal of Physics, vol. 23, no. 3, 033024.
Volkov, OM, Kronast, F, Abert, C, Mata, ESO, Kosub, T, Makushko, P, Erb, D, Pylypovskyi, OV, Mawass, MA, Sheka, D, Zhou, S, Fassbender, J & Makarov, D 2021, 'Domain-Wall Damping in Ultrathin Nanostripes with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction', Physical Review Applied, vol. 15, no. 3, 034038.
Yang, J, Abert, C, Suess, D & Kim, S-K 2021, 'Intrinsic DMI-free skyrmion formation and robust dynamic behaviors in magnetic hemispherical shells', Scientific Reports, vol. 11, no. 1, 3886.
Dobroserdova, AB & Kantorovich, SS 2021, 'Self-diffusion in bidisperse systems of magnetic nanoparticles', Physical Review E, vol. 103, no. 1, 012612.
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Mandru, A-O, Yildirim, O, Tomasello, R, Heistracher, P, Penedo, M, Giodano, A, Suess, D, Finocchio, G & Hug, HJ 2020, 'Coexistence of distinct skyrmion phases observed in hybrid ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic multilayers', Nature Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, 6365.
Malagò, P, Slanovc, F, Herzog, S, Lumetti, S, Schaden, T, Pellegrinetti, A, Moridi, M, Abert, C, Ortner, M & Süss, D 2020, 'Magnetic position system design method applied to three-axis joystick motion tracking', Sensors, vol. 20, no. 23, 6873, pp. 1-23.
Nunn, ZR, Abert, C, Suess, D & Girt, E 2020, 'Control of the noncollinear interlayer exchange coupling', Science Advances, vol. 6, no. 48, eabd8861.
Muthsam, O, Slanovc, F, Vogler, C & Suess, D 2020, 'The superior role of the Gilbert damping on the signal-to-noise ratio in heat-assisted magnetic recording', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 514, 167125.
Hofhuis, K, Hrabec, A, Arava, H, Leo, N, Huang, YL, Chopdekar, RV, Parchenko, S, Kleibert, A, Koraltan, S, Abert, C, Vogler, C, Suess, D, Derlet, PM & Heyderman, LJ 2020, 'Thermally superactive artificial kagome spin ice structures obtained with the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction', Physical Review B, vol. 102, no. 18, 180405.
Wetterau, L, Abert, C, Suess, D, Albrecht, M & Witzigmann, B 2020, 'Micromagnetic simulations of submicron vortex structures for the detection of superparamagnetic labels', Sensors, vol. 20, no. 20, 5819, pp. 1-13.
Yang, J, Kim, J, Abert, C, Suess, D & Kim, S-K 2020, 'Stability of skyrmion formation and its abnormal dynamic modes in magnetic nanotubes', Physical Review B, vol. 102, no. 9, 094439.
Heigl, M, Vogler, C, Mandru, A-O, Zhao, X, Hug, HJ, Suess, D & Albrecht, M 2020, 'Microscopic Origin of Magnetization Reversal in Nanoscale Exchange-Coupled Ferri/Ferromagnetic Bilayers: Implications for High Energy Density Permanent Magnets and Spintronic Devices', ACS Applied Nano Materials, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 9218-9225.
Kaiser, M, Sanchez, PA, Samanta, N, Chakrabarti, R & Kantorovich, SS 2020, 'Directing the Diffusion of a Nonmagnetic Nanosized Active Particle with External Magnetic Fields', The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical, vol. 124, no. 37, pp. 8188-8197.
Sanchez, PA, Novak, E, Pyanzina, ES, Kantorovich, SS, Cerda, JJ & Sintes, T 2020, 'Adsorption transition of a grafted ferromagnetic filament controlled by external magnetic fields', Physical Review E, vol. 102, no. 2, 022609.
Rosenberg, M, Gregorin, Ž, Hribar Boštjančič, P, Sebastián, N, Lisjak, D, Kantorovich, S, Mertelj, A & Sánchez, PA 2020, 'The influence of polydispersity on the structural properties of the isotropic phase of magnetic nanoplatelets', Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 312, 113293.
Koraltan, S, Pancaldi, M, Leo, N, Abert, C, Vogler, C, Hofhuis, K, Slanovc, F, Bruckner, F, Heistracher, P, Menniti, M, Vavassori, P & Suess, D 2020, 'Dependence of energy barrier reduction on collective excitations in square artificial spin ice: A comprehensive comparison of simulation techniques', Physical Review B, vol. 102, no. 6, 064410.
Vogler, C, Heigl, M, Mandru, A-O, Hebler, B, Marioni, M, Hug, HJ, Albrecht, M & Suess, D 2020, 'Hysteresis-free magnetization reversal of exchange-coupled bilayers with finite magnetic anisotropy', Physical Review B, vol. 102, no. 1, 014429.
Mostarac, D, Sánchez, PA & Kantorovich, S 2020, 'Characterisation of the magnetic response of nanoscale magnetic filaments in applied fields', Nanoscale, vol. 12, no. 26, 13933-13947, pp. 13933-13947.
Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 535